• OPW 8580系列自诊断式光学-热感应装车控制系统


     型号:8580  品牌:OPW CIVACON  加工定制:否  
     外形尺寸:120 mm   

    OPW 装车控制器
    OPW 8580系列自诊断式光学-热感应装车控制系统
    OPW 8580 Civacon Opti-Therm Monitor



    OPW 8580 Civacon Opti-Therm Monitor


    - 自动识别过量灌装检测系统的类型(光信号或热信号技术)
    - 诊断功能还包括接地确认、容许状况和舱室识别等。操作模式显示在LED屏上
    - 8580高科技体系减少了发生错误的可能性。
    - 能够用在包括***多12个光学探头和8个热感应探头的系统中
    - 过量灌装和接地确认采用独立的输出继电器,从而保证超强的灵活性和安全性
    - 采用容易读数的高分辨率3" x 5"LED诊断显示器
    - 可检测出过量灌装并向终端自动化系统发信号停止灌装


    输入要求:120 VAC 60 Hz
    15VA(标准),可供240 VAC
    输出继电器触点:240 VAC–5A DPDT

    外壳:NEMA 4防爆型
    Class 1, Div. 1, Group D

    重量:8580型—43 lbs.
    认证:UL, CUL (加拿大),
    CENELEC (欧洲)

    Order Guide

    - Monitors
    - 8460-8460- Opti-Therm Rack Monitor with ground verification, 6 Channel and Key Bypass (US Only)
    - 8580- Opti-Therm Rack Monitor with ground verification, 6 Channel, LED Display and Bypass (US Only)
    - 8580C (Canada)- Rack Monitor with ground verification, 8 Channel, LED Display and Bypass (Canada Only)

    - Plug & Cord Sets
    - Optic Plug & Cords - 7100-7100, Optic plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord
    - 7120-7120, Optic plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord and 7-pin breakaway plug
    - 7100SR-7100, Optic plug with 30’ 6-conductor blue coiled cord for Scully replacement
    - 7120SR-7120, Optic plug with 30’ 6-conductor blue coiled cord for Scully replacement and 7-pin breakaway plug
    - 7190S-0020, 7100-7100 Optic plug with 30’ coiled cord and 7500-7500 junction box

    - Thermistor Plug & Cords
    - 7300-7300, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord
    - 7300C-7300, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord, CANADA ONLY
    - 7300SR-7300, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord for Scully replacement
    - 7320-7320, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord and 13-pin breakaway plug
    - 7320SR-7320, Thermistor plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord for Scully replacement and 13-pin breakaway plug
    - 7390S-0020, 7300-7300 Thermistor Plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord and 7500-7500 Junction box
    - 7320-7320 Thermistor Breakaway Plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord, 13-pin breakaway plug and 7510T-7510 Junction box
    - 7320SR-7320 Thermistor Breakaway Plug with 30’ 10-conductor coiled cord for Scully replacement, 13-pin breakaway plug and 7510T-7510 Junction box

    - Grounding Cable & Clamps
    - 7720-7720, Ground Verification Clamp with 40’ straight cord
    - 7720-COIL, Ground Verification Clamp with 30’ coiled cord
    - 7620-7620, Ground Verification Plug & Cord Set for dual ball application with 30’ straight cord
    - 7620-COIL, Ground Verification Plug & Cord Set for dual ball application with 30’ coiled cord

    - Junction Boxes
    - 7500-7500, Junction Box for Optic, Thermistor and Ground verification Plug & Cord Sets (Non-Breakaway)
    - 7540-7540, Junction Box with 7-pin socket for Cane Probes or Breakaway Optic Plug & Cord Sets
    - 7510T-7510, Junction Box with 13-pin socket for Breakaway Thermistor Plug & Cord Sets

    - Options
    - 8580, Opti/Therm Rack Monitor with Ground verification, 6 Channel, LED Display and Bypass (US Only)
    - 7150-7150, Optic Plug Hanger
    - 7350-7350, Thermistor Plug Hanger
    - 1386-1386, Opti/Therm Rack Monitor Tester

    Civacon Plug & Cord Set from OPW-ES

    The Civacon Plug & Cord Set has been designed to prevent equipment damage while saving operators the time and money that can be lost as a result of unplugged driveaways. The Breakaway Plug & Cord Set utilizes high-quality, corrosion-resistant
    materials for reliable long-life operation.

    Plug & Cord
    (select thermistor
    or optic)
    7100-7100 Optic Plug with 30' 10-conductor coiled cord
    7120-7120 Optic Plug with 30' 10-conductor coiled cord and 7-pin breakaway plug
    7100SR-7100 Optic Plug with 30' 6-conductor blue coiled cord for Scully replacement
    7120SR-7120 Optic Plug with 30' 6-conductor blue coiled cord for Scully replacement and 7-pin breakaway plug
    7300-7300 Thermistor Plug with 30' 10-conductor coiled cord
    7300C-7300 Thermistor Plug with 30' 10-conductor coiled cord (Canada only)
    7320-7320 Thermistor Plug with 30' 10-conductor coiled cord and 13-pin breakaway plug
    7300SR-7300 Thermistor Plug with 30' 10-conductor coiled cord for Scully replacement
    7320SR-7320 Thermistor Plug with 30' 10-conductor coiled cord for Scully replacement and 13-pin breakaway plug
    Junction Box
    7500-7500 Junction Box for Optic, Thermistor and Ground Verification Plug and Cord Sets (Non-Breakaway)
    7540-7540 Junction Box with 7-pin socket for Cane Probes or Breakaway Optic Plug & Cord Set
    7510T-7510 Junction Box with 13-pin socket for breakaway Thermistor Plug & Cord Set



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