• 英国Kopex电缆护套管


     材质:PVC  品牌:KOPEX  型号:KOPEX-EX  

    英国Kopex电缆护套管及配件- 世界电缆护套管系统的权威
    Kopex-Ex, DTS - Lighting, Boxes, Cabinets, Conduits, Fittings & Accessories for Hazardous and Hostile Areas

    信德迈公司拥有在电缆保护行业中具有全球领先地位的英国 Cable ManagementProducts Ltd公司的技术及产品支持,公司旗下的 Adaptaflex柔性软管已经成为 全欧***被认可的软管品牌。为客户提供完整的电缆保护方案及软管、软管接头、电缆防水接头、工业接插件、拖链、电缆等一系列产品,并广泛应用于铁路,工程车辆,电力机车,机床,电梯,空调,机场设施,码头设备等行业。


    CMG公司(Cable Management Products Ltd公司)旗下包括 Adaptaflex | Kopex | Kopex-Ex | Elkay | Harnessflex 等* 。

    英国 Kopex 国际公司 创立于1947年,总部位于世界工业革命的发源地伯明翰(Birmingham),是世界上***早开始生产护套管的企业。Kopex现已成为该领域技术规范、设计和制造的公认权威。Kopex金属和非金属护套管及配件系统广泛应用于建筑工程、电力、电站、医疗、食品、汽车制造、轨道交通、高速公路、机场、仪器仪表、机电设备、石油、化工、军工、船舶制造等领域,为您的电缆布线提供***科学***全面的保护。



    通过全球网络,Kopex产品已销往五大洲,并在全球提供技术支持和售后服务。广泛应用于*、轨道交通、船舶制造、自动化、船舶制造、石油化工、电力电站、建筑工程等领域,为您的电缆布线提供***全面***科学的保护。 Kopex历史 Kopex国际公司前身为Uni-tube公司,1947年创立于英国斯劳。公司***早专注于推广Kopex机器,这种机器可以将捆扎带材料加工成螺旋管。

    From Thomas & Betts' UK based facility Kopex International manufactures a wide range of globally approved products including metallic and non metallic conduit and fittings along with a full range of conduit accessories.

    Thomas & Betts are committed to an extensive and ongoing R&D programmme, which will continue to deliver innovative and high performance products for effective cable protection in safety critical areas.

    Thomas & Betts' current range of high performance products are designed for many highly demanding market sectors including petrochemical, pharmaceutical and offshore industries or indeed any ATEX / IECEx / UL / CSA areas.

    Thomas & Betts are renowned for high quality manufacture with standards conforming to both ISO 9001:2008 and the EU directive 2002/95/EC along with ISO 14001:2004 environmental standard, so vital within today’s marketplace.


    英国 Kopex产品包括 套管、接头、格兰头、导管和切割工具:

    1. Metallic Flexible 金属软管
    - KEU
    - KEBF
    - KEBT-LFH
    - KF-E for KEU conduit
    - KF-E for KEBF and KEBT-LFH conduits
    - LT-PVC
    - RO-PVC
    - LT-T LFH
    - UL / CSA
    - LT-H
    - LT-S
    - KF-F
    - KF-C
    - KSU Uncovered
    - LT-PVC Stainless
    - LT-Type H Stainless
    - LT-Type T Stainless
    - KF-E Stainless Steel Connector
    - KF-F Stainless Steel Connector


    2. Metallic Pliable 金属可扰管
    - LS1 Uncovered
    - LS2 Uncovered
    - LS1 Covered
    - LS2 Covered
    - LS1-Type "T" Covered
    - AL2 Covered
    - C10
    - C12


    3. Non-Metallic 非金属管
    - Nylon Conduits
    - Standard Duty Polypropylene
    - Retro-Fit
    - Jumboflex
    - PEEK
    - 150 Standard PVC in Black
    - 154 Oil Resistant PVC in Green
    - 158 Heat Resistant PVC in Blue
    - 160 Series
    - 170 Series Rhino
    - 171 Standard PVC in Grey
    - 172 Oil Resistant in Green
    - 178 Standard PVC in Orange
    - 180 Standard PVC in Black


    4. Ducting 导管
    - DTT
    - DAKKA
    - DKAK
    - DUHT
    - DBAB
    - DS



    Kopex-Ex Conduit Systems
    Kopex Ex Conduit SystemsExplosion Proof non-metallic and metallic conduit
    Kopex-Ex is a range of conduit systems that are designed to be used in hazardous areas to provide the highest degree of cable protection to maintain circuit integrity. The non-metallic nylon conduit has approval for use in Exe applications and the metallic conduit with galvanised steel core is available with a range of coatings for varying applications within hazardous areas.

    The Kopex-Ex products are testing and approved to appropriate standards including ATEX/IECEx ensuring performance in hazardous manufacturing processes and the petrochemical / food & beverage industries.

    In addition to the Kopex – Ex conduit there is also a range of conduit accessories to suit which we are able to supply as Kopex is part of the ABB Thomas & Betts group.

    Ex – D Systems
    A range of liquid tight metallic conduits to suit hazardous areas including:

    EXLB – Oil resistant (Galvanised Steel)
    EXSB – Oil resistant (Stainless Steel)
    EXLT – Low fire hazard (Galvanised Steel)
    EXST – Low fire hazard (Stainless Steel)
    EXLH – High temperature (Galvanised Steel – Black)
    EXSH – High temperature (Stainless Steel – Black)
    EXLLH – High temperature (Galvanised Steel – Blue)
    EXSLH – High temperature (Stainless Steel – Blue)
    EXLHC – High temperature highly flexible (Galvanised Steel)
    EXSHC – High temperature highly flexible (Stainless Steel)
    EXBBT – Low fire hazard with EMC protection (galvanised steel)
    Ex – E Systems
    A range of nylon conduits for suit ATEX and IECEx required standards in hazardous areas:

    EXB – Specialist anti static grade nylon anti static conduit for Exe, Exn, and Exi in Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 and ATEX and IECEx areas where flexibility is required
    XESX – Specialist multilayer anti static grade nylon conduit approved for us in Exe, Exn and Exi applications in Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 and ATEX and IECEx areas where flexibility is required
    EXBB – Anti static braided nylon conduit with EMC screening level 60dB at 1MHz approved for us in Exe, Exn and Exi applications in Zones 1,2, 21 and 22 for use in ATEX and IECEx areas where extra impact strength is required
    UL XP-Flexible Coupling
    A range of explosion proof flexible coupling hazardous areas (UL) whic hare corrosion resistant (ideal for wash down areas) in flexible bronze construction with arc resistant inner sleeve and brass fittings.


    - TPSS15
    - TPSS21
    - TPSS22
    - TPSS27
    - TPSS28
    - TCW


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