| 品牌:Trelleborg特瑞堡 | | 加工定制:否 | | 类型:密封圈 | |
| 材质:橡胶 | | 型号:Trelleborg | | | |
Trelleborg特瑞堡密封系统-液压密封件-Slydring 耐磨环
Hydraulic Wear Rings And Guide Rings - Slydring
Slydring 是特瑞堡密封系统具有设计专利的耐磨环。Slydring的功能是为液压油缸的活塞和活塞杆提供导向和支承作用,以及吸收侧向负载。同时,可以防止油缸运动部件间的金属接触,优化密封系统性能。 Slydring is the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions proprietary design of hydraulic wear ring or guide ring . The function of a hydraulic wear ring is to guide the piston and piston rod of a hydraulic cylinder, absorbing transverse forces. At the same time, it prevents metal-to-metal contact , optimizing the performance of the sealing system.
Slydring产品可以用三种不同的材料类型生产,每种类型都具有很好的耐磨性和出色的摩擦特性。Turcite用于中、低负载应用,此类应用具有有限的径向力,HiMod适用于中、重负载应用,Orkot材料适用于径向力很高的重载应用。 Slydring hydraulic wear rings and guide rings are available in three different materials types all of which are wear-resistant and demonstrate outstanding friction properties . Turcite is for low to medium duty applications where there are limited radial forces, HiMod is for medium to heavy duty applications and Orkot materials are for heavy duty applications where there are high radial forces.
HiMod Slydring
Orkot Slydring
Turcite Slydring
防止活塞/活塞杆之间和缸孔/密封装置之间的金属对金属接触,并且吸收横向负载. Turcite材料具有良好的承载能力,摩擦小和无爬行工作,保护关键的密封唇免受污染和避免狄塞尔效应,成本低,允许设计者自由选择硬件材料, 允许较大的静态负载.
Trelleborg 特瑞堡密封系统是全球领先的密封解决方案供应商。 我们的产品范围包括 O形圈 , 液压密封件 , 旋转密封件 , 油封 , 静态密封件 , 气动密封件 , 机械端面密封件等等。 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is a leading global supplier of sealing solutions. Our range of products includes O-Rings , hydraulic seals , rotary shaft seals , oil seals , static seals , pneumatic seals , mechanical face seals and many more.