• 美国杜博林deublin 旋转接头1116-090-463


     品牌:DEUBLIN  型号:1116-090-463  加工定制:否  
     安装形式:螺纹  种类:多款供选  材质:碳钢  
     接管口径:6  适用范围:钻机,机床   
    美国杜博林deublin 旋转接头1116-090-463
    现货供应Deublin 1116-090-463 旋转接头,冷却液介质,深孔钻机床配套

    UNION M16X1.5 LH 18MM PLT

    Item #: 1116-090-463
    Rotor: M16 x 1.5 Metric LH


    • Single passage for coolant or MQL
    • Closed seals for transfer line and similar applications
    • Full-flow design has no obstructions to trap chips or debris
    • Bearing-supported with threaded rotor for easy installation
    • Deep groove radial ball bearings for smooth operation
    • Labyrinth system and large vents to protect ball bearings
    • Balanced mechanical seals made from silicon carbide for long life even under difficult operating conditions
    • Anodized aluminum housing resists corrosion 
    • Reference "1116 Series Pressure vs Speed Graph" 
    • Reference "Coolant Unions Spindle Tolerances"

    UNION M16X1.5 LH 18MM PLT

    Item #: 1116-090-463
    Rotor: M16 x 1.5 Metric LH



    Single passage for coolant or MQL
    Closed seals for transfer line and similar applications
    Full-flow design has no obstructions to trap chips or debris
    Bearing-supported with threaded rotor for easy installation
    Deep groove radial ball bearings for smooth operation
    Labyrinth system and large vents to protect ball bearings
    Balanced mechanical seals made from silicon carbide for long life even under difficult operating conditions
    Anodized aluminum housing resists corrosion 

    Reference "1116 Series Pressure vs Speed Graph" 
    Reference "Coolant Unions Spindle Tolerances"


    1116-090-463 -0




    —— 单通道设计
    —— 自带支撑旋转接头
    —— 径向或轴向壳体连接
    —— 平衡式机械密封
    —— 密封组合:碳化硅/碳化硅
    —— 采用挡油圈及排出口保护轴承
    —— 全介质流体形式
    —— 阳极氧化铝壳体
    —— 钢转体


    信德迈科技(北京)有限公司是美国Deublin杜博林旋转接头正式授权北方地区代理商。 美国deublin公司成立于1945年。是世界上*生产各种精密气体、液压及冷却液旋转接头、蒸汽旋转接头、冶金旋转接头和各类内部膨胀管的厂家。Deublin公司产品设计新颖,加工精良,性能可靠,不易泄漏,使用寿命长,维护方便,型号系列化。Deublin旋转接头应用于水、蒸汽、气体、液压、热油、真空及冷却液。广泛应用于造纸、冶金、钢铁、印刷、机械等行业,在世界同行业中享有较高的声誉。

    【信德迈科技(北京)有限公司是美国Deublin杜博林旋转接头正式授权十年北方地区*大代理商。】 美国deublin公司成立于1945年。是世界上*生产各种精密气体、液压及冷却液旋转接头、蒸汽旋转接头、冶金旋转接头和各类内部膨胀管的厂家。产品选型资料及更详细产品介绍请点击:http://www.cnmec.net
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信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 电话:010-84282935 手机:13910122694 地址: 北京朝阳区望京街10号望京SOHO-T1-C座2115室